Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Our country is at a crossroads.

We elected a man who despite his claims of Christianity (and the support of a ridiculous percentage of so-called evangelicals) is the very antithesis of everything Jesus Christ stood for and taught. We elected this man to the highest office we can give a person, the office which presides over our nation as its moral leader, as its political leader, and as its commander in chief.

This man has now done exactly what those of us who had studied him before the election knew and feared he would do with those duties.

As our political leader, he has brought the nation to at best a complete legislative standstill while we deal with the rapidly mounting evidence that he allowed our greatest political enemy to run roughshod over our democratic processes by accepting and even soliciting Russian interference in the   Presidential election. The best thing we can say about his presidency, in fact, is that his ineptitude and this special counsel investigation have prevented the passage of legislation that would have devastated millions of the very people Christ told us we would be judged by our treatment of.

As our commander in chief, he has made a laughing stock of the United States among our allies and enemies alike, except for North Korea, in whom he has found a fellow saber-rattler with whom he may be able to play boom boom and create a precursor to God's Great Tribulation. (By the way, he is most definitely NOT the AntiChrist. Remember, that man will come as a savior and UNITE the world, a description which will never fit this man.)

But it is as a moral leader where this spectacular failure of a human being has demonstrated his greatest "gift". This thrice-married, four-times bankrupt, pu$$¥-grabbing slumlord has returned to his white-hooded roots this week, first dog whistling the Nazis and white supremacists who took their fearful, tentative lead from him, amassing a mere three hundred cowards in Charlottesville with TIKI-brand citronella torches and making asses of themselves on camera for their employers to see. The president's response was to miss the easiest slow pitch any leader has in modern politics: condemn the hate groups. He didn't. He encouraged them, twice, before finally being forced by his staff to go out and read a canned statement that should have been the end of it until the next march in the Bay Area coming soon. (Even the TIKI company put out stronger condemnations than he did.) Still, that should have been the end of it.

Except, of course not. Given his resistance to condemning the only support group he has left, it's not surprising that he came back today and held probably the most bizarre press conference since King George III thought he was a turnip in 1800. He went off the script, first of all, and spoke from his shriveled little prune of a heart. (Aside: I caught only the words "speaking without notes" in a ticker headline this afternoon, and was immediately filled with dread.) What came out of the mouth of the president of the United States of America should have immediately revoked our veto power in the United Nations. Essentially, he defended the poor little white boys against all those big nasty citizens who were obviously oppressing their right to...um, well, to oppress everyone who doesn't look like them, I guess.

And at that point, all bets were off.

Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whom you voted for last November. You might have voted for Mrs. Clinton. You might have (sorry to say it) thrown your vote away as a protest and voted for one of the two terribly ineffective third party candidates, neither of whom understand even as much about the way the government works as the Republican candidate did (or does). You might have thrown away your vote even more vehemently (or simply pissed on 240 years of soldiers defending your right to democratic elections) by not voting at all.

But if you mistakenly voted for the man who ended up winning a majority of electoral college votes, not understanding who or what he was, I pray that you now comprehend the vastness of the mistake that we as a nation have made. And if you voted for him KNOWING already what I knew about him in November - realize, friends, that NOTHING that he has done has come as a surprise; nothing he has done has been "out of character" - then may God have mercy on your eternal soul. You might as well have been driving the car that killed Heather Heyer, because you were an active participant in the manslaughter of not only her but the entire nation we live in.

The only question remaining now is whether we as Americans have the moral fortitude remaining to fight this heinous assault from "many sides" that our liberties face today. The decision and the action both must be swift, because the tide is rising quickly, faster than the climate change the science-denying denizen of the "dump" on Pennsylvania Avenue would tell you. A majority of Republicans in a recent poll said they would be willing to POSTPONE ELECTIONS if this president told them to.

Let that sink in for a moment.

God put him in office for a reason, readers. I said that at the time, and I'm more convinced of it today. This is NOT the prelude to the Rapture, either: that's coming, but this is a separate issue. America lost its way with God many decades ago, and because the only way to survive this crisis will require a Godly backbone that I suspect this nation removed by its own hand years ago, this is a particularly savory punishment cooked up by the Lord for this self-aggrandizing nation, this nation that claims "God Bless America" not as a request or a prayer, but as a demand. We believe we are God's gift to the rest of the world, and it stuns American Bible students to learn that by every interpretation of the eschatological passages in Scripture - the parts about the End Times? - it stuns them to learn that the United States plays NO PART in the script whatsoever.

Why do you think that is?

Russia does. Europe does. China and perhaps even Japan do. Even Africa seems to be part of Scripture when it comes to the End. But not America, not even in the slightest.

Perhaps this is the necessary precursor to the Rapture and the Tribulation: the elimination of the US from the world scene before the final act is played out.

Or perhaps not. It may be that God will leave it up to us to determine our own fate. There is still a chance for us to turn our ship around...

But there's very little time left to do so.

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