Friday, August 11, 2017

I stand at the door and knock...

"And those who hear My Voice will not be turned away."

The opportunity to be saved is there. Jesus knocks and calls - it's not just that He's "out there somewhere".  He's knocking on YOUR door and calling YOUR name.

Here's the thing: after a while, you may become numb to that knocking and calling.

It no longer seems effective.

Congratulations - you've discovered the one unforgivable sin. Rejection of the Holy Spirit. If He has come to you, and you refuse to acknowledge Him?

That's a problem. Maybe an irreversible one.

If you think you're saved just because you're "a good person", because you think "everyone is going to Heaven", because you can wait seemingly forever to "get right with God", even waiting until after death? If for whatever reason, you believe that it really doesn't matter because "all roads lead to Heaven"?

You're wrong. And the penalty is eternal. 

No matter what you believe to be true.

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