Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Here's a simple "compromise"

It's a difficult decision for some folks who want to be obedient to God, but the whole "faithful, wholesome, church-going, Bible-reading, sharing with the needy" vibe is difficult to pull off for a person who just isn't sure that the deal is worth it.

I've got a compromise suggestion for you.

See, if you've read my blog for a while now, you know that my research and study as a student of eschatology (the End Times of the Bible) strongly suggest that the "Rapture", as they call it, is very near - like, within the next eighteen months or so near. That's not very long. And Christ will only take the true Believers Home with Him then - there will be a lot of very surprised looking "Christian-in-name-only" folks left behind who won't understand that they were worshiping themselves and money and their lifestyles far more than Him. (The Lord warned us about the "narrow gate" to Heaven and compared it to the "wide gate" to Hell.)

But if you're worried about "ruining your life" by becoming one of the "Jesus-freaks", let me share my compromise with you:

Live the Christian life for eighteen months only. It doesn't have to be overt. Just follow His guidelines for a year and a half.

If we're right about the signs in the world, sometime during that eighteen months, the Believers will be Raptured to Heaven, and the rest of humanity will suffer through the Great Tribulation, the last three years of which will be the worst misery mankind has every suffered.

And if we're wrong? What have you lost? 

Maybe you'll find you don't mind the lifestyle. Maybe you'll find that the Holy Spirit residing in you is really a good thing. Maybe you'll become a lifelong Christian.

Or maybe you'll have spend a year and a half living a good life, and you feel like you want to go back to your old sinful ways. Well, if we were wrong about the Second Coming, perhaps we're wrong about all of it. (Despite the accuracy of every other prophecy in the Bible.) So you can go back to sinning with more faith that you're not going to "miss out".

What have you got to lose?

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