Saturday, March 4, 2017

A new look, but the same blog

The problem with using someone else's hosting service for your website is a lack of control of the finished product.

I spent a great deal of time experimenting with the different options Blogspot offered me, looking at readability and style, and liked the one we've had for the last however many months. I tried it out on PC, tablet, and phone, and thought it looked pretty clean, and so I went with it.

But then came comments from people whose opinions I trust that the versions that came across THEIR devices were unreadable, because of the color scheme. (And I freely admit that I LOVE using differing colored text to emphasize my points!) I'd look at the post on my devices, and it would be fine, but I believe the people who were telling me this.


We're moving to a new format today. Same content, same everything as far as the blog itself goes. However, I'm hoping that everyone finds it more readable.

As with everything in life, there's a lesson to be learned - a moral to the story.

*The customer is always right. (Or at least, the customer's complaint deserves to be listened to!)

*It never hurts to keep trying to make your product better than it was. (Because nothing short of Christ is perfect.)

*Do whatever you can to make sure that the MESSAGE is what comes across, and not let the MEDIUM prevent that from happening. Especially when the message is CHRIST.

Have a blessed day!

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