Friday, March 3, 2017

A Commission From God

Writers talk about "writer's block" on a regular basis, and I'll admit that there were definite times in my life as a writer that I've had some of that feeling - the dread that nothing intelligent or useful will ever come out of your keyboard again. 

I haven't had that feeling in a LOOO-OOONG time.

And I think the reason for that is that I'm essentially taking dictation. 

I'm writing Christian fiction novels at a pace of three or so a year right now, maybe four if you throw in a non-fiction book as well. Although I go back and edit and tweak and fix and shuffle and change and re-spell like mad, the original versions of the last several books have basically been just sit down at the computer and type. Mind you, I've worked on the plot line, and the outline has been refines and some of the characters in particular have been fleshed out well in advance, but for the most part, I just start writing and am equally surprised by what comes onto the page. 

For example, I'm almost done with my seventh fictional novel (it's a real novel, mind you, in the fiction genre. It's not a 'fictional novel'), entitled A Commission From God. The book is narrated by the main character, the CEO and founder of an advertising company which considers GOD its ultimate boss. The man is "commissioned by God" (hence the name) to put together a campaign on earth to raise the salvation rates, and in the process there are plenty of adventures and lessons and stories told along the way. 

My point is this: As I was writing, I came to a point in one of his monologues where I realized that he was gay. I didn't have that in the spec sheet, but it made perfect sense in the story, and it creates a great deal of interest in several parts of the story. In fact, it's amazing how many details I don't understand WHY are in a story, until seven chapters later when some loose end gets tied up in that detail I didn't understand

And that's when I know I'm just taking dictation from God. 

My wonderful teaching partner told me something yesterday that fits this perfectly: "Coincidences are just God choosing to remain anonymous."

There are many days when I think that about my writing. "I'm not smart enough to have made that connection - that must be God's doing." 

When I get done writing and editing it, I'll add it to the array of books I have available for you to download for FREE - the Lord wants me to share His writing for the taking. Just drop me a note in the comments with your email address and I'll share the site in Google Drive, and you can just climb in and download any of my (currently) eight books for free. (Five Christian fiction, two Christian non-fiction, and one about the high school band business I wrote before I started living for the Lord full time.) God bless you all, and have a great weekend!

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