Tuesday, January 2, 2018


There are literally hundreds of people in Scripture who have encounters with God that are not particularly positive, but the true saints of the Bible are few and far between. The common factor in the great men of the Bible is their faithfulness to the Lord - Hebrews 11 talks about some of the most famous of these. I'll warn you right now: the point of this post is to share with you that it doesn't matter what your talents or 'spiritual gifts' are. You can make a difference because you can have faith."

Even having fallen from grace, Eve showed the depth of her faith in God when she gave birth to her first son, Cain (the first human being ever born!) - this is from Genesis 4:1 → "With the Lord's help, I have produced a man!" Women, you are a miracle! Never forget that miracle came from God!

God asked Noah to do some preposterous things. Spend the next 100 years building a gargantuan boat, even though you're nowhere near water. I'm going to flood the world, and you're going to collect two of every animals and save them on your ark. Can you even imagine that? What would you do? "So Noah did everything as the Lord had commanded him." (Genesis 7:5)

You're 100 years old, and your wife's 90. What if God then told you that you're not only going to have a child, but your descendants are going to be as numerous as the stars in the night sky? Sarah laughed, but "(Abram) believed the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness." (Genesis 15:6) Similarly, when God told him to take that new child, so precious to him because of the decades of battle he had undergone spiritually to win a child of their own, and sacrifice him on a certain mountain to prove his loyalty to the Lord, Abraham didn't hesitate. After a three day journey with his grown son (and let's not lose sight of that either: Isaac was complicit in this to an extent, because while he hadn't been told what was going on he could probably have overpowered the centenarian), Abraham never questioned the seeming contradiction between God's promise to use Isaac to populate the world and His command to sacrifice him now. (The evidence in Genesis 22 seems to suggest he believed God would resurrect Isaac after the sacrifice!) "And Abraham picked up the knife to kill his son as a sacrifice. At that moment the angel of the Lord called to him from Heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!" It took a yelling angel to stop him from carrying out God's command.  (Gen 22:10-11)

Enoch and Elijah were so obedient that they never died. they simply ascended  to Heaven. We don't know precisely how Enoch went, bur Elijah had the ride of a lifetime, in a chariot of fire! (2nd Kings 2:11) Or we could mention Gideon, Rahab, Joshua or even Moses himself. The point is, what made these people such remarkable, Godly individuals was not what they did but what they believed

They believed in God Almighty, yes, but more than that, they believed that He would follow through on the Promises that He Made.

And YOU can believe in His promises too. Read the Bible and discover all the many promises that God makes to His people - and the amazing future that lies in the very near future for the Believers in His Lordship.

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