Thursday, June 22, 2017

Just a reminder of the most important thing in the world.

There are a million things to write about today - not just about Christianity, or Australian football, or even in politics or music or about my life, but on all sorts of topics. 

But once in a while, it's an absolute necessity to stop, take a deep breath and remember one thing:

Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to earth to live a complete life, sinless because He was fully God but filled with real temptations because He was also fully man.

He guided the sentiment and circumstances of the last year or so of His Life to enter Jerusalem on the exact day foretold in prophecy, arranged His Own betrayal to be "captured" on Thursday night, goaded the Pharisees and the Romans into torturing and crucifying Him on Friday in a manner so that He would pay the punishment a righteous God must exact for the sins we all commit daily, even though He Himself never committed those sins.

His Death on the cross also matched prophecy exactly, and just as foretold by Him and others before Him, Jesus Christ arose on the third day, Sunday, thereby proving He was exactly Who He said He was: King of Kings, One with God the Father. 

His resurrection exonerated every man, woman, and child who chooses to believe in His Lordship, because by doing so we are given as a cloak the righteousness of Christ to wear in the presence of the Lord. This "justification", this cloak, is ONLY given to us when we accept the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, guiding us, helping us make the right choices that our sinful, human flesh discourages us from making. 

It is this justification which allows us into Heaven upon our death - or when the Rapture happens, whichever comes first. (I'm betting Rapture for most of us, within the next 18 months or so. But there are no guarantees.) 

All that nonsense about "Heaven is for 'good' people" is just that - nonsense. Heaven is plain and simply for those of us who accept the Trinity of God, Christ, and the Spirit as our Lord. None of us are good - that's a preposterous standard for God to even consider holding us to. The fact that those who ARE justified often try to behave in a manner in accordance with Scripture is what created that 'myth' about "good people go to Heaven", but that's all it is. A myth.

 Jesus Christ is Lord. He came to earth, lived exactly the Life He intended to live, sacrificed Himself to pay for every one of our sins - yours included! - and rose from the dead to prove He had completed the job, and that we can have faith that we too will have eternal life following our earthly demise.

And all you need to have that eternal life is ask Jesus to be your savior, to ask the Holy Spirit to come live in your soul as your companion.  

It's not too late. It's NEVER too late

Except when it becomes ... well, too late for everything.

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