Friday, April 7, 2017

Revelation (of one kind and another...)

When I was first saved, four years ago, I was led very early to the study of eschatology.
          Like, about the second week of my life as a saved Christian.
I needed to study the whole Bible, of course, but the most important focus was always supposed to be the End Times, even though I didn't understand what that really even meant at the time.

The longer I worked on my theology, the more I was led to follow the last set of three hundred or so prophecies about the final seven years of human life on earth. Revelation, Daniel, and the Olivet Discourse are somewhat frightening for many, but they've been alluring for me since I first dug into them. So many people want to believe that the Great Tribulation and the events of Revelation 11-19 are either whimsical or at the most figurative. But I would humbly point out that no other prophetic passages in the Bible were fulfilled any way except as written. The names of the AntiChrist et al are "nicknames", most likely, in order to disguise them from those who would be most likely to seek retribution against the Christians (i.e., "Babylon" means Rome, with very little doubt), but the events themselves are pretty certainly descriptive of the events to come.

And come very soon.

Over the last 36 hours or so, I've been nudged into a change of direction in my writing. That change is startling.

The implication of the Holy Spirit is that I am to stop worrying about any other topic in my writing except the two most important: salvation and the Rapture of the Believers.

What's the implication? I hesitate to speak for the Holy Spirit, but the guess is obvious.

I wrote last week in a three-part series (which I will reprint in one piece this weekend) that the evidence is clear that the Rapture of the Believers, and the subsequent Great Tribulation, is less than two years away. The declaration I boldly made was that my eleven-year old twin daughters wouldn't make it to teenage-hood before the Rapture, which would happen in late December of 2018. I don't know if this new "revelation" implies that it's coming any sooner, or that nineteen months is still plenty fast in the Holy Spirit's opinion. But it serves as a confirmation that, as the sandwich board prophets always claimed, The End Is Near - at least for Christians, which is the Good News Christ told us in His visit.

Should I expect people to think I'm crazy? Of course! But what greater duty do I have? My Lord and Savior ordered me (and you) to bring the Word to all the corners of the world - and nothing at my job, nothing in my community, nothing with any interactions in my life are as important as helping the Spirit save as many as possible before the Final Curtain. If I lose friends because of it? I'm going to lose them when I'm Raptured anyway, aren't I?

Over the course of however much time is left to share this blog with you, I'll give you as many reasons and as much motivation as I can to solidify your salvation with Christ, and to get not only your own house in order but help your family and friends do so as well. It doesn't mean that we won't keep playing football of all nations, visiting a host of other topics, and exploring other elements of the Christian life - but those will be side trips on the road towards the ultimate elevation towards Heaven, which I'm more convinced than ever is just around the corner. When? I don't know - "no man may know the day or time in advance" - but it could literally be any day now. 

We are the last generation of Christians on Earth. Congratulations.

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